2024 Annual Member Survey Debrief

Posted By: Jordan Amaker Advocacy Updates, Awareness, Community, General News,

At Lowcountry Local First, we believe local ownership matters. Our goal is to support the local business community and tailor our programs to help our community gain access to every chance at success. That’s why we work with businesses, community members, and policymakers to build support for local, independent businesses. 

Lowcountry Local First work to level the playing field through a new approach to economic development. One that supports Mom&Pop over Big Box. To fulfill our mission, we must keep a pulse on the local business community we serve – to know the pain points and the victories. Here are the survey results from Lowcountry Local First’s 2024 Annual Member Survey. View PDF version.



  • Size of Membership: The Lowcountry Local First membership base includes 480+ local-independent businesses from across a diverse array of industries and representing 13,000 employees. View our Local Business Directory to get a taste of these one-of-a-Kind businesses.
  • Participation rate: 13% of members completed the survey (more than 60 indie business owners)
  • Age of Business: The median company age is 7.5 years old.
  • Gross Annual Revenue: 57% of respondents experienced revenue growth in 2023. 82% are not concerned about meeting their 2024 revenue projections.
  • Working with Local Businesses: Many members indicated they already use local providers for some or all of their business needs. Most commonly, members exclusively use local businesses to fulfill their real estate, legal and workplace service needs.
  • Top Expense Pain Point: The top pain points, in terms of business expenses, continues to be commercial rent and credit card fees. Insurance topped the list for the first time.
  • Advocacy Priorities: Promoting and bringing awareness to the local-independent businesses in our community tops the list. Combating the prevalence of chain businesses through advocating for policies and zoning laws that put homegrown businesses first is also a top priority. 
  • Triple Bottom Line: 43% of members want to incorporate more sustainable business practices into their operations. 27% want to explore B-corp status.
  • Programs and Resources: Building relationships, advocating for a level playing field, and producing tactical workshops and trainings top the list for the ways LLF can achieve our mission.